Ambassador Magazine Vol 33 No 2

Buon Natale e Felice Anno nuovo! The 2021 Winter issue of Ambassador brings holiday cheer directly to your home—which is the right place at the right time! Our cover story not only looks colorfully festive but it looks into the fascinating in-the-fields details of the world’s finest-quality small-quantity saffron harvest taking place each year in Abruzzo, NIAF’s Region of Honor (Christmas gift for cooks? Yes). For a change of culinary pace, Chef Mary Ann Esposito’s offers her recipes for holiday entertaining with Italian small-plate foods. Wait ‘till you try them! Then travel to Sicily for our splendid feature on the incomparable mid-winter Feast of St. Agatha that attracts up to a million visitors annually. Our stories on inventions by Italians and the cultural and artistic impact of Abruzzo’s immortal poet Ovid add some smart humor and spice to the holiday mix. Before it’s too late, clip out our tasting notes on the best (affordable) Barbera wines—perfect choices to take to those Christmas parties. Also in the seasonal spirit are our departments, from NIAF Bottega’s great gift ideas to Between the Pages’ book reviews. Ambassador magazine brings you the best of Italian America and Italy!