Ambassador Magazine Vol 32 No 3

What’s better than incoming Springtime? Especially as blooming flowers and life-saving vaccines gradually lift us up from the dour depths of this deadly virus? Our Spring 2021 issue of Ambassador reflects cautious optimism. This issue introduces Abruzzo as NIAF’s 2021 Region of Honor—a deserved honor delayed by one pandemic year. The Foundation’s excitement to embrace this remarkable travelers’ destination is reflected in Gabrielle Mileti’s lovely introduction to Abruzzo, and made all the more fun with Susan Van Allen’s exploration of its wonderfully traditional festivals. Must reads include the features While We Were Waiting, about what some of us accomplished during the pandemic isolation, and Say What? which asks why not learn Italian in the meantime? Eye candy comes with the stories on Abruzzo’s specialty Confetti and about a San Francisco boutique representing Italian artisans. And don’t miss the comfort-food feature on Italian American sandwiches you won’t find in Italy, and the look at a winery in Campania saving ancient Italian grapes. From Ciao Italia’s tasty Easter bread recipes to the Cinema column on new humanist filmmaking, you’ll find the best of Italian America, and Italy, in Ambassador magazine!