Ambassador Magazine Vol. 30 No 3

With celebrations of the 500th Anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci’s death in full swing worldwide, the Spring 2019 issue of Ambassador pays tribute to Leonardo as well with two exceptional features: “Genius Defined” covers Leonardo’s wide-ranging impact on our world today; and “Da Vinci and Me” takes an introspective look at his influence, personally, on those today who study his genius and know him best. To solve our da Vinci Crossword Puzzle may require some genius on your part! Other features include a profile of Florence master sculptor Dante Mortet; the Forza Pizza’s social network that’s connecting people with a passion for pizza; a by-the-books story about The Mentoris Project whose historical novels are teaching students about remarkable people; and, “Wildfire in the Vineyards,” a toast to the Signorello Winery and other wineries that are rebuilding from the ashes left by the raging California forest fires. Of course, there’s more, from Mary Ann Esposito’s tasty spring asparagus recipes and a visit to NIAF’s new museum, to a tribute to Italy’s filmmaking Taviani brothers and cool products in Bottega NIAF. You’ll find the best of Italian America, and Italy, in Ambassador magazine! Watch for the special Summer Travel issue in June!