Ambassador Magazine Vol. 29 No 2

Our Winter 2017 issue of Ambassador magazine is a little like Christmas morning, unwrapping gifts from under the sparkling Christmas tree. Let’s start with the eye candy in our NIAF 2017 Photo Contest winners’ pages! Then, turn the page to find a Q&A with TV Chef Nick Stellino, who offers some tasty recipes for holiday entertaining. Don’t miss the cover story and exquisite photography of the masters of Palermo’s incredible Sicilian puppet theaters. For a seasonally meaningful message, check out the profile of Sicily’s Fra Biagio and his Saint Francis-like mission; and the work of controversial Mayor Luigi De Magistris to turn Naples upside-down for good. Other features include one writer’s quest to master the bergamot fruit of southern Italy; a wine lover’s Holiday Gift Guide of some of the finest Italian wines; and a look at one of Venice’s most overlooked musical offering you need to know about—an evening at the Musica a Palazzo! All that and more, as our departments cover everything from a review of an encyclopedic Noodle cookbook to the history (and recipe) behind the margharita pizza! You’ll find the best of Italian America, and, of course, Italy, here in Ambassador magazine!