Ambassador Magazine Vol. 25, No 1

Check out the 2013 Fall issue of Ambassador magazine for features on Bruce Springsteen’s tour last spring through Italy and his Italian roots; the hot Italian American ex-patriot agriturismo trend in Italy; ancient and modern pottery in Squillace; the rise of Nebbiolo wines beyond exquisite but pricey Barolos and Barbarescos; and a search for cannoli perfection. And make sure to turn to our brand new departments: In NIAF on Location, members and friends lead you through the Italian highlights—best Italian restaurants, festivals, markets, museums, etc.—in their hometowns; NIAF Bottega is a colorful splash of great Italian-style designs, finds and products; and Paesani offers short profiles of NIAF’s persons of interest. Plus, the regular departments and so much more!