Ambassador Magazine Vol. 24 No 1

In Ambassador’s 2012 fall issue, professional genealogist Aliza Giammatteo’s story debunks a widely held Ellis Island myth about our immigrant ancestors’ names, and photographer Frank Van Riper’s story and photos take readers on a visual tour of Umbria. For a timely October history lesson, don’t miss Roberto Severino’s irony-filled “Discovering Christopher Columbus.” And for anyone thinking how great it would be to relocate to rural Italy, read Marco della Cava’s profile of Madison Avenue guru Paul Cappelli who traded the mad ad biz for olive harvests in Terlizzi.In this issue’s columns, Books visits with bestselling author David Baldacci, Ciao Italia is all about figs, On Sports interviews Joe Garagiola Jr., On Film focuses on Pixar Studio illustrator Enrico Casarosa and his animated film that was nominated for an Academy Award, and Making A Difference profiles Philadelphia attorney Dino Privitera. All that and more in this issue of Ambassador!