Ambassador Magazine Vol. 22, No 3

With 2011 being the 150th Anniversary of Italy’s unity, NIAF’s Spring issue of Ambassador magazine is focusing on that celebration. To kick things off, we’ve featured a calendar of events connected to the anniversary that are taking place in the United States through the year, along with a forward by Italy’s Ambassador to the United States Giulio Terzi di Sant’Agata. Also featured in this issue is Roberto Severino’s “History of Italian Unity Made Easier,” which sorts out the complicated historic events and personalities of Italian unification, and Joseph Luzzi’s reflective look at Italy’s first currency, the lira.Other stories include Marco della Cava’s touching tale of pursuing his Italian heritage and dual citizenship, Patricia Beemer’s profile of California energy entrepreneur Guido Radaelli, and an appreciation of longtime NIAF leader and friend Joseph R. Cerrell. And keep your kitchen cooking and your mind active with Mary Ann Esposito’s great recipes and Leon Radomile’s Crossword Puzzle