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Westchester, NY 2001 GalaFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Contact: Elissa Ruffino (NIAF) 202/939-3106 or elissa@niaf.org
EVENT: 2001 Westchester Gala
Sponsored by The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF)HOST: Vincent Zuccarelli, NIAF Westchester Area Coordinator
WHEN: Friday, April 20, 2001 – 7:00 P.M. Reception; 8:00 P.M. Dinner
WHERE: V.I.P. Country Club
600 Davenport Avenue
New Rochelle, New YorkCONTACT: Elissa Ruffino at 202/387-0600 or 1/800-989-NIAF
Four Italian American area residents will be honored and six Westchester area NIAF scholarship and grant recipients will receive their awards at the National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) Annual Westchester Gala in New Rochelle, NY.
The Year 2001 NIAF Honorees are:
Paul Borghese, actor and president of the Guild of Italian American Actors
Frances Fusco, president of Italian/Big Sisters
Denis Hughes, president of the New York State AFL- CIO
JoAnn Mazzella Murphy, vice chair of Country BankThe Year 2001 NIAF scholarship and grant recipients in the Westchester area are: Gerald Coviello of Harrison; Richard Guaragna and Joanna D. Patafio of Port Chester; Lisa Lovenitti of Larchmont; Maria Stillo of Mt. Vernon and Jessica Vincenzi of Valhalla, NY.
The NIAF has awarded nearly $4 million in scholarships and grants across the country over the past 25 years. Last year, 143 students received NIAF scholarships totaling an estimated $900,000 while 15 research projects were funded by the Foundation. NIAF scholarship information and applications are available on our web site: www.niaf.org/Scholarships
This year’s gala dinner chairman is Vincent Zuccarelli, Eastchester businessman and NIAF’s Westchester County Area Coordinator. Prominent local Italian Americans in business, entertainment and government are expected to attend. Dancing to music by L’ERA 2000 Orchestra is part of the evening’s entertainment.
Dinner tickets are $125.00 per person. To purchase, contact: Vincent Zuccarelli at 914/793-1550. Proceeds to benefit the NIAF Scholarship Fund and Education Programs.
The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) is a non-profit organization based in Washington, DC and dedicated to preserving the heritage of Italian Americans.
Visit our web site at: www.niaf.org.