Mott Foundation To Confer 126 Academic Scholarships -The John R. Mott Scholarship Foundation is a supporting organization of NIAF

WASHINGTON, D.C.   The John R. Mott Scholarship Foundation, Inc., (the “Foundation”) of Washington, D.C., dedicated to the education of the children of Calabria, Italy, will hold its Annual Award Ceremony and Reception at 4:00 p.m. on June 13, 2014, at the Principessa Hotel in Campora San Giovani, Cosenza, Italy.  At the Ceremony, 126 academic scholarships will be awarded to students from all over the Region of Calabria.  Beginning in 2001, the Foundation has awarded 1373 scholarships for higher education to the young men and women of Calabria.  The primary requisites for receiving a scholarship are the student’s academic achievement, financial need and a commitment to use the benefit of this education to make a contribution to the Region of Calabria.

Mario V. Mirabelli, Esq., the President of the Mott Foundation who was awarded the Order of Merit of the Republic of Italy on June 2, 2014, stated “We are very proud of the quality of the academic credentials of this year’s class of scholarship awardees.  It is the hope of the Mott Foundation that receiving a Mott Scholarship will in the near future be recognized in Italy and elsewhere as an indication of superior academic achievement.”

John R. Mott, the creator of the Foundation, was born Giovanni Motta in 1909 in the mountain village of Serra d’Aiello, Calabria, Italy and immigrated to the United States with his family in 1911.  Although a man of significant means, Mr. Mott eschewed luxury, maintained a frugal lifestyle and preferred instead to invest his resources for a larger cause:  his dream of eventually giving back to the beloved land of his birth, Calabria, Italy.  Mr. Mott created the Foundation prior to his death in 1998.

The John R. Mott Scholarship Foundation is a supporting organization of the National Italian American Foundation.

The 2014 John R. Mott Scholarship Foundation Awardees are:

Sabrina Aloe Andrea Delizia Luca Pagliaro
Arianna Aprile Cristina Di Salvi Maria Luisa Pagnotta
Alfonso Argiro Francesca De Rosa Giuseppe Palella
Chiara Autieri Andrea Delizia Antonella Paradiso
Andrea Bafaro Saverio Di Sanzo Mariaceleste Pascuzzo
Maria Grazia Bazzarelli Stefania Fratto Federica Perri
Umile Belmonte Tatiana Fuoco Adele Pesce
Emanuele Bevacqua Raffaella Galizia Veronica Petrone
Valeria Bianco Elisabetta Gallo Grazia Politano
Stefano Bigagnoli Giovanni Gallo Francesca Prioli
Francesco Bisardi Loris Lento Daniele Pronesti
Agostina Bonavita Serena Leo Daniela Pulitano’
Patrizio Borelli Orazio Lepera Andrea Santoro
Francesco Bruni Laura Lipari Giuseppe Scalise
Rossana Cannatelli Mario Longo Davide Scanga
Valeria Capillupo Silvia Caterina Lorelli Chiara Scopelliti
Antonio Cappa Silvana Mangione Matteo Scornajenghi
Federica Cassano Elena Mannarino Martina Sdao
Ida Cello Teresa Mannarino Anna Senatore
Francesco Celso Antonio Mantella Jacopo Settino
Antonio Ceravolo Maria Valeria Marino Mariagiovanna Settino
Francesca Ceravolo Ida Matera Gilda Sicilia
Enrica Chiarello Ramona Matera Alessia Siclari
Laura Chiarello Gessica Mazzulla Stefania Sirianni
Angela Ciricosta Marika Mesiano Maria Letizia Speranza
Miriam Cirone Francesco Mesiti Antonella Staccuneddu
Ida Celeste Coccimiglio Giuseppe Mesiti Valentina Suriano
Francesco Condello Luisa Mirabelli Domenico Tallarico
Giampiero Conte Angela Mordocco Carla Tempestoso
Patrick Corapi Francesca Muccari Valeria Tripodi
Diego Costanzo Federica Muraca Adolfo Turco
Daniele Croce Francesco Naccarato Erica Valente
Alessio Cuglietta Marica Naccarato Francesca Vilardo
Mariateresa De Domenico Alba Nicastri Diletta Vito
Amelia De Franco Fortunato Nucera Ortensia Vito
Francesca De Rosa Gemma Osso Gregorio Vono

Contact: Mario V. Mirabelli – 202-441-0072