AARP Chief Executive Officer William D. Novelli To Address NIAF Public Policy Forum on Capitol Hill


Contact:   Elissa Ruffino (NIAF) 202/939-3106 or


EVENT: AARP Chief Executive Officer WILLIAM D. NOVELLI to Address NIAF Public Policy Forum on Capitol Hill

SPONSOR: The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF)

WHEN: Thursday, March 11, 2004

Breakfast 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM

WHERE: Gold Room, 2168, Rayburn House Office Building

William D. Novelli, AARP chief executive officer, will address Members of Congress, Italian American business leaders, and notables in the heath care community at a National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) sponsored Public Policy Forum on Capitol Hill on Thursday morning, March 11. Medicare and the recent legislation is the topic of discussion.

Congressman John Mica, co-chair of the Italian American Congressional Delegation, will also address the group, along with former Congressman John La Falce, who serves on the NIAF board.

NIAF-sponsored Public Policy Forums are held in conjunction with the Italian American Congressional Delegation. There are nearly 200 Members and associates of the delegation, including 29 Representatives and Senators who trace their roots to Italy. The events feature prominent speakers addressing the salient issues of the day. They also provide a forum for an open exchange of ideas and an opportunity for a diverse array of perspectives to be heard.

Prominent individuals who recently addressed the popular NIAF Public Policy Forums include: Viet D. Dinh, former assistant attorney general and principal architect of the USA Patriot Act; Giovanni Prezioso, general counsel of the Securities and Exchange Commission; General Anthony Zinni, former US Special Envoy to the Middle East; Nicholas Calio, former White House Director of Legislative Affairs; and John Podesta, former White House Chief of Staff.

Recent NIAF-sponsored Capitol Hill receptions included Congressional welcoming events for the new Italian Ambassador to the United States Sergio Vento and a special reception that recognized House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi as the highest ranking Italian American in the history of the United States Congress.

Press Contact: Elissa Ruffino, 202/939-3106 or

NIAF, an independent, non-partisan, non-sectarian, not-for profit foundation, offers this program in order to contribute to the public discourse on current topics of the day. NIAF does not necessarily endorse or oppose the positions and/or remarks of any of the forum’s participants. To learn more about NIAF, visit