Call for Applications: Fulbright-Fondazione Falcone-NIAF Scholarship in Criminology


Contact: Elissa Ruffino, 202-939-3106,


*Student Deadlines:

October 11, 2016 for Americans; February 16, 2017 for Italians*

(WASHINGTON, D.C.— June 8, 2016) For the second consecutive year, the Fondazione Giovanni e Francesca Falcone and the Fulbright Program in Italy, in cooperation with the National Italian American Foundation (NIAF), are pleased to announce the Fulbright Fondazione Falcone-NIAF Scholarship in Criminology. Starting in August 2017, one American student and one Italian student will receive funding to begin their research in criminology. The American recipient will work with the

Fondazione Giovanni e Francesca Falcone in Palermo, Italy. The Italian student will conduct research at a university in the United States.

“The National Italian American Foundation is truly honored to partner again with the U.S. – Italy Fulbright Commission and the Fondazione Giovanni e Francesca Falcone to create another unique opportunity for a U.S. graduate student and an Italian student that speaks to NIAF’s mission to serve as a bridge between Italy and the Italian American community. Together, we will continue to make an even greater long-term impact on the field of criminology,” said NIAF President John M. Viola.

The scholarship will be awarded to a U.S. graduate student to study and conduct research in criminology and the rule of law at the Fondazione e Francesca Falcone in Palermo, Italy. Students at the Bachelors, Master of Arts, Doctor of Philosophy and Juris Doctor levels, with special interest in criminology and related disciplines, including economics, sociology, education and anthropology, are invited to submit applications.  Preference will be given to students who are enrolled in a graduate program in criminology at a university in the United States at time of application.  Knowledge of Sicily’s history, and economic and social background, will have priority in the selection process. Candidates also must be proficient in the Italian language at the time of application.

Applicants can choose from a six-to-nine-months period of study during the academic year 2017-18. The scholarship award will depend on length of study. The award recipient also will be required to participate in an event organized by Fondazione Giovanni and Francesca Falcone on the anniversary of the death of Judge Giovanni Falcone on May 23, 2018, in Palermo, Italy.

American students must submit applications for the academic year 2017-18 by October 11, 2016. Italian students need to submit their applications by February 16, 2017.

Fondazione Giovanni e Francesca Falcone was established in Palermo, Italy, in 1992. The principal aim of the Foundation is to implement initiatives of the highest social interest, including promotion of study, research, and cultural and assistance activities, to promote the development of the anti–mafia culture in society and, in particular, among young people.

The Fulbright Program in Italy promotes study, research and teaching opportunities in Italy and the United States through a program of scholarships for Italian and U.S. citizens.

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The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) is a non-profit organization headquartered in Washington, D.C. It is dedicated to preserving the heritage of Italian Americans.   Visit