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Michael ZarrelliMichael J. Zarrelli is the Managing Counsel / Federal Affairs Manager for Alticor Inc. in Washington, DC. Alticor is the parent of Amway Corporation, an $11.8 billion direct selling company based in Ada. Michigan. The multi-national company competes in the global marketplace and sells products in more than 80 countries and territories worldwide through foreign sales affiliates.
A public policy advocate for over twenty years, Mr. Zarrelli is a leading direct selling lobbyist in Washington. DC. In this role, he is responsible for monitoring governmental actions -congressional and executive- and influencing them to positively impact Alticor operations and the direct selling industry.
Prior to joining Alticor, Mr. Zarrelli served as a political appointee for New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani in his Washington Bureau as a Legislative Representative. In addition, he previously was an advocate for Mobil Oil Corporation. the American Petroleum Institute, the American Bar Association, and the lavv firm of Faegre & Benson in a federal affairs capacity.
Mr. Zarrelli received a B.A. in Political Science from Hartwick College and a Juris Doctor from The Catholic University of Amerit:a- Columbus School of Law. He is a member of the Maryland Bar Association. Mr. Zarrelli also serves on the board of the J Street Cup, an organization formed by DC representatives in order to raise funds for worthy charities.
He residl:s in Maryland with his wife Leslie Gotch Zarrelli and their two children. Nathaniel (9) and Cecelia (6). They are active members of the St. Andrew Apostle Church and regularly volunteer at the St. Andrew Apostle School.