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* All fields are required, unless otherwise noted.
* How did you hear about NIAF and the Congressional Fellowship Program?
* Availability: How many hours per week can you work?
* First Name:
* Last Name:
* Gender:
Please enter your primary address below:
* Address:
* City:
* State:
* Zip:
* Phone:
* E-mail Address:
* Date of Birth:
* Father of Italian Descent (Y/N): SelectYesNo
* Mother of Italian Descent (Y/N): SelectYesNo
Regions where your ancestors are from:
Enter more specific cities (optional):
* Name of School:
* Area of Study:
* Expected Year of Graduation:
* Overall GPA:
* Activities/Honors:
* Do you speak Italian? (Y/N) SelectYesNo
If yes, what level?
* Have you ever been to Italy? (Y/N) SelectYesNo
If so, where?
Reference 1 * Name: Job Title: Relationship to Applicant: Phone: Email:
Reference 2 * Name: Job Title: Relationship to Applicant: Phone: Email:
* What is your party affiliation? DemocratRepublicanIndependent - More Often Republican-leaningIndependent - No Dominant LeaningIndependent - More Often Democratic-leaningOther
If other, what party?
* Have you previously held an internship in a Congressional office? (Y/N) SelectYesNo
If so, when and in which office?
* Are you, or have you ever been, a constituent of one of the participating offices? (Y/N) SelectYesNo
If yes, which office?
Please list any other connection you have to a district or state represented by a participating office. (Leave this section blank if it does not apply to you)
* Why do you want to work in a Congressional office? (300 words or less)
* The NIAF Congressional Fellowship program aims to cultivate the next generation of Italian American political and community leaders. What does your Italian American heritage mean to you and in what way has it shaped your career goals? (500 words maximum)
Please note that NIAF cannot guarantee that Fellows will receive school credit for their fellowship. Fellows who are interested in receiving college credit should be in contact with their university career center and an academic advisor. NIAF is acutely aware of the health and safety concerns surrounding the current Covid-19 pandemic. Our organization continues to monitor updates to CDC guidance and will update program details as deemed appropriate.
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